Sunday, April 1, 2018

Those of us

Those of us

Dear God help:

Those of us who feel alone
Those of us who are divorced
Those of us who are married(and still not enough)
Those of us who feel rejected
Those of us who don’t feel pretty enough
Those of us who lips are too big 
Those of us who aren’t curvy enough
Those of us who are too fat
Those of us who are too short
Those of us who are too tall
Those of us who don’t have a college degree
Those of us who live in the wrong neighborhood 
Those of us who don’t drive a luxury car
Those of us who don’t make enough money
Those of us who don’t have any kids
Those of us who has too many kids
Those of us who has more than one baby daddy
Those of us who are too loud
Those of us who aren’t loud enough
Those of us who are too saved
Those of us who need to be saved
Those of us who love too hard
Those of us who don’t love hard enough
Those of us who can’t submit
Those of us who will fully submit
Those of us who too close to their parents
Those of us who aren’t close enough to their parents
Those of us who seem insecure 
Those of us who are too arrogant 
Those of us who want too much
Those of us who don’t want enough

Lord, perhaps these are his insecurities but the speck in his eye
only allows him to see “those of us” insecurities.
Father help us to accept who you made us to be, not what someone
wants us to be. 
God you made us who we are!
We are:
Conquers, Victorious, Believers, Achievers and more than enough!
So Lord, give “those of us” strength to put rejection under our feet
and to wait on you, in Jesus Name Amen!!!

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Ways to get God's Attention

A few years ago I became bored with church. At the time, I had been saved for at least 7 years and I thought I had it figured out, at least the culture of the church. I had attended various church services such as bible studies, revivals, prayer services, conferences, conventions and musicals. Therefore, I became accustomed to the flow of various services, to the point of knowing when it was a “God move” as oppose to a “man move”. As we praised and worshipped, listened to exhortations, acknowledged visitors, read scriptures, preached the word, lifted up offering, choir singing and shouting and dancing in the spirit, lives were being changed. Never the less, many others returned home the same way they came. Now, don't get me wrong, all of that is fine and good as there were people healed, saved and set free during these services. However, these things became routine and mundane for me and I began to question myself and God. Some of the questions that pondered through my mind were, “Is this it? Is this all church and God consist of?”  I knew it had to be more, it just had to be! 

 I was attending one of the services mentioned above and the guest speaker at the service began to talk about how he would get up early in the morning to pray (3am). The speaker began to tell us how God moved in his life during those early morning intercessions. I couldn’t help notice the more he talked, the more intrigued I became. From that day forward, I had a pressing upon my heart to follow suit. Days went by and the heaviness of sleep suppressed that impression to raise up early and pray, especially at 3 am. On another occasion, I was attending a musical and a well-known Bishop came up to give exhortations and began to talk about prayer and rising early to seek the Lord. The Bishop even stated he wasn't intending on speaking about his prayer time, but our God is strategic. I knew that word was for me. As a matter of fact, I got up and went home on what I called a word of confirmation. The next day I arose at 4am and here's how I got God's attention. Below are suggestions you can use as a guideline:


Set an alarm to whatever time impressed upon your heart to get up and pray. I believe the Lord gave me 4 am to get up. God may give you a totally different time or a different part of the day. I once spoke with a lady who said her prayer time was 9pm every night, do what works for you. If the Lord doesn't give you a time, set a time yourself where you know you won't be distracted. It's a sacrifice of sleep and time, especially if you are raising a family. Some nights I didn't watch that late night show, I went to bed early because I knew that 4 am would come quick! The Lord will definitely honor your sacrifice. 

Be authentic: 

When you start praying, don't try to pray like the prayer warriors at church. Don't try to impress the Lord using words that you wouldn't normally use. God knows the very intent of our hearts (Psalm 44:21), be your true authentic self.


 I am a lover of music, especially Gospel music. I sang songs which were considered "worship" type of songs as well as upbeat songs. Sometimes I would spend the first 10-15 minutes singing. Perhaps you don't like to sing, well, just play some music and focus on the words being sung. Here are some songs that I personally like: 

“Because of who you Are” -Vicki Yohe
“Bow down and Worship” - Bishop Paul Morton
“Lord you are Good” - Israel and New Breed

These are just a few songs that I like, once again do you and be you.


I mostly wrote prayers at night before bed, not in the mornings.  I would encourage you to take your journal or notebook during prayer, as you never know what God is going to say. It is also helpful recalling information you received during prayer, so you will not forget it later. Trust me, I had to learn the hard way. 


During my prayer time, I would read the word for self- edifying and reading God's word back to him. This reminds Him of what he says. The scripture tells us” His word will not return unto Him void” (Isaiah 55:11).

Just Pray:

 All the things I listed above wasn't done in any order. I did them according to the flow of the spirit. My motive wasn't to ask God for anything. Most of the time I spent thanking Him, praying for others, praying in tongues (Romans 8:26, Ephesians 6:18) and letting the Spirit intercede for me. I did this for several weeks. I wasn't always gung-ho about getting up at 4am, sometimes I wondered what I was even doing and is God in this because everybody else was sleeping good and I am getting up to sing and pray, SMH. I drug myself out of the bed anyway and it happened! What happened?  I'm glad you asked...I got God's attention. Ok, let me back up and say this before I go on, I didn't start this early morning intercession to get Gods attention, I did it because it was such an impression on my heart after hearing the guest speaker and Bishop at the musical that day.  I just started praying and I guess you can say I went in blindly, not expecting really anything spiritually to happen or for God to act. What I thought was just to pray so that I can feel closer to God, if that makes any sense to you.

What did I experience?

My body had become accustomed to waking up at 4am, so most of the time I would beat the alarm up. One particular morning I was asleep and heard 3 taps on the wall above my head. I thought to myself, what is my neighbor doing? I then got up and looked out the window to see if someone was downstairs knocking at my door but no one was there. I rolled over and looked at the clock and it was 3:59 am, time for me to get up and pray. The next morning I heard the same knock and I rolled over and looked at the clock and it said 3:58am. It finally dawned on me, the Lord was waking me up. I can still hear the knock just like it was yesterday. God is awesome!!

As I would go on about my day I would discern different things throughout the day and it would take place just as my mind had discerned it. When these things first begin to happen it was very shocking to me, but I wouldn't share it with anyone because people are skeptics and I knew without a shadow of a doubt this was all the leading of God and it was happening because of my early morning prayers. I don't have the time to tell all that I experienced.


As I stated, I had God's attention for sure, but I also got the attention of the enemy! One night while sleeping I felt something or someone standing over me. At the time I was married and my husband worked nights, so I'm thinking it's him getting off work getting ready to get in the bed and I'm also thinking dang, I missed my 4 am prayer time(he made it home after 6am). I rolled over to make sure that it was him getting in the bed but I got the shock of my life! I rolled over and saw 2 dark figures standing on the side of my bed, then I became literally paralyzed. The only thing I could do was say the name of Jesus in my mind and the figures disappeared. I will tell you the truth, I was shaken to the core! Later that evening, I went to bible study and was impressed to go up for prayer during altar call. I fought over and over about going because of how I am (that's another blog). At the last minute, I got up and went to one of the intercessors for prayer. Right before she began to pray, she stopped and informed me that I was in a spiritual war! I began to tell her what took place that morning with the figures and she began to pray over me to bind fear and for the Lord to give me the tenacity to fight this battle. We ended up talking more after service because she understood what I was experiencing. The intercessor asked me what was I doing, and I was like umm nothing (just dumb, lol)! She went on to say I had to be doing something different for this type of attack from the enemy. I said, “Oh, I've been praying and interceding every morning at 4 am”. She said, "That's it!" and she begin to speak things that soon came to be manifested in my spiritual walk. 

In closing, as I stated above, I don't have time to tell all the things I've experienced just from those 4 am prayers scenarios. God began to speak, at times I understood but majority of the time, I didn't understand until later dates. The enemy still tried to stop my flow by attacking me, but he soon left, for a season anyway.
These are some of the things that you can do to get Gods attention or to experience Him in ways you have no clue.  Remember, there is no level in God! You can't hit the ceiling and say I've experienced it all because just when you think this or that is the greatest move/experience of God, He always has more. As you noticed, I didn't mention fasting because during those times, although fasting is another way to get Gods attention when done correctly, just like the bible says, “Some things only come by fasting and prayer” (Matt. 17:21). To be clear, by no means am I discrediting fasting, however, if you feel lead to fast, then feel free to do so.

I pray this blog encourages you to pray more and experience God on an even deeper and personal level. It truly makes a world of difference and you also learn His will for your life. He speaks in many ways. Also, don't worry about opposition, utilize your weapon (Gods word!) and go to war. Don't forget your body armor (Ephesians 6:10-18), the enemy has to flee. I would also recommend a book by Apostle John Eckhardt entitled: Prayers that route demons.

God bless!

Monday, December 25, 2017

10 Things to cure holiday boredom

The holidays are here and it came faster than expected, the old saying "as slow as Christmas" is a thing of the past, things seem to be moving at a rapid pace these days. Well, if you're anything like me, I don't have much family around town to celebrate with, things tend to get boring and downright depressing IF you let it. Over the last month, I have endured storm after storm, and not to mention my mother has been down for the last couple of weeks. I've even dealt with ear/throat/flu, I mean I can't even put a name to it, all I know is it was horrible! In the midst of it all I am finally feeling good and so is my Mother(hard seeing your parents down). God is still on the throne and He is still good, there is a lesson in it all!
I refuse to be down during this season, or any season for that matter, there are plenty of things to be grateful for and plenty of reason why I should be grateful! If you're dealing with holiday boredom here are ten things you can do to occupy your time to bind that boredom:

Read a Book:
I have started 3 books this year and have yet to finish them. Why would I start 3 books at one time? Who knows! There are free books out there that you can download on your devices. Or, look in your own personal library and get out a book that you read over 5 years ago and reread it. Of course, there is always the Bible, I have come to love the books of 1st and 2nd Samuel.

Call your family and friends:
Pick up the phone and call some of your cousins that you haven't talked to all year. I know some people don't always like to talk on the phone, well text them! Text cousin Ray-Ray and let him know you're thinking about him.  I'm sure Great Aunt Ethel Mae would love to hear from you as well!

Watch funny videos:
The internet is loaded with hilarious videos, I watch them all the time and laugh. Here is one now that you can watch of my brother in law trying to ride a seated hoverboard that my nephew received for Christmas.

Make Something(hobby):
Get your creative juices flowing and create something, pull out your junk box and get creative. I've been working on a wig cap for months and have yet to finish it. Today may just be the day to put my finishing touches on it. Sidebar: My New Years resolution is to not to procrastinate!

Get dress and go see a movie, I'm sure something good is out worth watching. Sorry, I don't really keep up with the latest movies. I can help you out with Netflix movies though, here are some titles:   You can't fight Christmas
These are just a few things I've watched on Netflix over the last couple of days.

This is something I'm not interested in doing, but I thought I'd share it anyway. One of my Facebook friends said this is what she will be doing to keep her mind off of being away from her family during this Christmas season. More power to you Sis, clean away!

Sit down and write out a plan for next year, maybe a plan to be out of town with your family during the 2018 Christmas season. Make a vision board for 2018, think about goals you want to accomplish in the new year.

Get out your old CDs if you still have them and listen to some music. Gospel music is my absolute favorite, but I like all kinds of music. Often, I'll turn on my blue tooth speaker and look up all the music from the 90s and jam out! I'm sure something will get you on your feet dancing. Come on, you know if you hear the words "Cash money taking over for the '99 and the 2000" you are about to be up on your self-made dance floor! Lol, Ok, I know I'm being carnal.

Visit the sick:
Get on the phone and see whose within your congregation that's sick and shut in. I know within my congregation there are people who are hospitalized or at home and can't get out.  Not to mention whenever I go and visit the sick I always end up leaving encouraged and I sure you will too.

Accept that invite:
I am so guilty of not accepting invites, it's sad! That's another thing that I plan on changing within the New Year, I'm hitting up all the gatherings! Get up and get dressed, comb your hair, or do like me and throw on a scarf and go socialize. Stop finding excuses not to go.
Well, hopefully, you will take some of these things into consideration to bind your holiday boredom, be blessed and Merry CHRISTmas to you!!

Monday, August 28, 2017

....You will get Another

The Lord speaks to us through dreams and visions, of course, I dream all the time (not all are prophetic dreams)and I've had several visions. Just recently I had a dream, it was sort of strange because it seemed for a minute that I was awake but just laying there with my eyes closed. So I guess I was between the awake and dream state. I was dreaming of a news story/newspaper article or something like an analogy that a preacher would use after he/she finishes their sermon to prove their point or persuade the congregation. The dream even had a narrator, lol I can't explain it I just know what I felt, heard and saw during the dream.

 Here's the dream:

A little girl lost her Teddy Ruxbin teddy bear, she was walking in the grocery store upset that she lost it. The announcer or narrator says something to the effect of the little girl seeing something that would remind her of the lost Teddy Ruxbin and how she was feeling at that moment about the lost bear.  Then what came to my mind in the dream was that she was standing in line at the store and saw something like a headline on the front page of the National Enquirer. The narrator begins to read the headline but this time it wasn't the initial narrator's voice, the voice that I heard was stern and direct. The voice said:

In essence, he was telling the little girl that even though she's reading the headlines and it is a reminder of the lost bear, don't start thinking back on what she lost because another is coming.
The dream ended and I lay in bed completely awake. I lay there with the stern man's voice playing over and over in my mind. The voice was booming and it sort of resounded within my spirit. I used to be very fearful of lots of things and in my dream state I could feel fear starting to set in as the stern voice says, "Don't you dare visualize it" but when he got to the latter part of the statement, "you will get another" His voice softens with solicitude and the fear that tried to come in, quickly went away!
Now, by no means do I have the gift of dream interpretation but I do know and feel when my dreams are from The Lord.

After I lay there for a minute I thought of this picture that I saw on Facebook months ago,

I begin to think of my situation, being divorced. I thought about all the precious time, sleep and material things that I lost within the marriage. I will admit, recently it weighted on me more than it should have and sometimes it was hard to snap out of it. After having gone through every emotion and knowing full well that I shouldn't dwell or "visualize" what was lost because I know without a doubt that I would recover all and some! So this dream was a reminder for me to stop thinking of the past and move forward. I also thought of the story of Job, he lost way more than I could of imagine, but in the end, he recovered all. The Bible says that The Lord turned the captivity of Job when he prayed for his friends, and He gave Job twice as much as before(Job 42:10). Let me encourage us, You and I, let us do as Philippians 4:13 tells us, forget what we left behind and press on to higher callings. God will repay, and for the people that hurt us, let's pray for them and watch God work on our behalf. God is an awesome God, He cares about us. He wants to see us prosper in every area of our life! Don't make the mistake that I made, looking back at a DEAD situation. From now on I will write out my feature, that lost Teddy Ruxbin is a thing of the past and I know something bigger and better is coming, in Gods timing! God bless you and thanks for reading!

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Welcome to Excerpts from Renee


Hello everyone and praise the Lord from whom all blessings flow!! Yep, I put the Lord in my greeting, after all, He is the head of my life. I am over 30 years of age and I’ve decided to start a blog. I am starting this blog because I journal all the time, and I thought to myself why not share with others! Yeah, I come up with millions of things to do in my mind and never act on them because of fear. Well, this is the year that fear has to fall back!! I’m choosing to step out of my comfort zone and do things that I would normally say NO to....because of fear!  I look forward to reading your comments or questions as time goes on. 

    Here’s a little about me: 

  1. I am a believer of JESUS CHRIST
  2. I am the youngest of three siblings 
  3. I am a Dental/Scaling Assistant by trade
  4. I am single(newly divorced)
  5. I don’t have any children(I’m getting old…..come on Lord!) 
  6. I love to laugh
  7. I love shopping: thrift, garage/yard sales, Torrid, Lane Bryant, Ashley Stewart and many other places.       

My blog topics will consist of the things I just spoke of.↟ My prayer is that I can encourage, inspire and possibly brighten your day through blogging.Follow along as I give this blogging thing a try. May God bless and keep ya!! Welcome to Excerpts from Renee.